My name is Victoria, and I’m your guide to SELF AWESOMENESS, a happier, joyful, and fulfilled life.
A few years ago, I was asked what my dream was and what was unique about me… I was stuck and found it hard to answer the questions.
I had mumbled something along the lines of passing my CPA (Certified Public Accountant) exam which, let’s face it…nobody was impressed by.
So, what was my dream? My only dream was to be happy, but what does it mean actually to be happy? Who knows? It varies from person to person, and, let’s be honest, how people view happiness can change over time.
I’ve always spent a lot of time comparing myself to others. I would constantly think all of my friends were smarter, prettier, and more stylish, and they could follow their dreams.
While there, I had no big dreams, special qualities, or talents to pursue. I felt like I still had everything the average woman wanted because I had a family with my husband and my son. Despite this, I still felt like something was missing
Growing up, I participated in every school event, including holiday recitals, middle & high school beauty contests, and talent shows. I even hosted events for my friends and family, organized surprise birthday celebrations and so many other events. You name it, I was in it! Where did that girl go?
Instead, I saw a woman who was playing the role of being happy but truly wanted something more…I just didn’t know what it was.
And overnight, something has changed.
I didn’t only feel something was missing, but I didn’t have a husband anymore… The house I lived in… My “predictable life” was missing… I was missing… I felt lonely, betrayed, scared…
I was in a deeper hole… not having my life anymore… I didn't know who I was and where I belonged.
I barely remember the first year after the separation… exactly a year later, I was introduced to coaching...
That was the ending of the old life, and the beginning of a new… unknown life, but definitely worth taking that step forward.
I started by helping people through coaching which slowly led to physiology, mind and body connection, energy, and sound healing.
Over the years of my journey, I experienced the magic of holistic healing on myself by curing my chronic back pain, reconnecting with my mind and body, and finding balance within.
Reiki and Sound Healing helped my son to grieve when his dad passed away from cancer.
Guiding my clients thought mentoring, helped them to develop a positive and growth-oriented mindset by changing limiting beliefs, overcome challenges and achieve personal and/or professional goals.
Reiki and Sound Healing reduce stress and anxiety, promote relaxation, and enhance overall well-being by balancing energy and restore harmony in the body and mind.
That was and still is awesome!!!
Shifting the mindset from being a victim of the situations helps to look at the awesome gene that we all had inherently had when we were born – Your Awesomeness Gene!
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Love yourself, and others will love you,” but where do you even start?
We depend on the opinions of others to make decisions; we look for validation that we are doing things the right and normal way (we can define “normality” too). However, only true self-love and reflection can lead you to your truly awesome self.
It is important to water your AWESOMENESS seed. Do not be afraid of the dead petals falling off or spreading your roots. Remember, these are the opportunities to discover your self-awesomeness.
P.S. I’ve discovered my dream. That is, I want to help people like you ,who are going through difficult times feeling stuck or unhappy by taking a holistic approach. My goal is to help you to discover your SELF-AWESOMENESS. To fall in love with yourself, achieve the dreams and goals that you want to reach, notice the life around you, and be in tune with your awesome self!
Live in balance within.
Not sure where to begin, check out the self-assessment test below to find clarity.
Or Schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation with Victoria below